Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I am getting Fatter

After getting rid of 80 pounds, I have really sucked it up for about month now. I have not weighed in because I am too big of a wus to see how much I have gained. This is stupid, so I think I will weigh Friday and just get it over with. I have got to get it back in gear. I want to run the Memphis Marathon, but the training is not starting out so well. I have been traveling a ton and never eat good on the road. I am leading the University Life Ministry (the Southwest Ministry to ASU) and I am working my regular job and being a daddy and husband and all the other normal stuff. It just gets so freakin busy. But I have nothing that other people don't have to work around. If some have done a marathon without a leg I should be able to handle a few schedule conflicts.

I will let you know more as I progress, but just wanted to update you and let you know I am still alive and trying.


Fajita said...

Giddy Up

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Brad...Getting back on-track is never as hard as the first step...You are an inspiration to us all.

preacherman said...

I am glad I came across your blog.
I enjoyed reading your blog and agree with your thoughts.
I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Keep up the great work!

Oh, by the way thanks for you comments on Mike Cope's blog. I have been trying all afternoon and night to comment but have been block for some reason. I personally believe there are good Christian people, godly people who hold different views than republican.

Thanks agian for your comments and enjoyed your blog very much.
God bless you as you continue to serve Him.