Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Long Update

It has been some time since my last update, but it has been a great time. We went on vacation a couple of weeks ago to Seagrove Florida. Seagrove is along the famous 30-A on the other side of Seaside from Destin. We love the area, and I have to say that it was the best weather ever for vacation. The humidity was low the water was perfect, more calm and clear than I have seen in the 12 years we have been going. We had a wonderful time and celebrated Kim's birthday while we were there.

The end of the summer is here. Orientation starts next week and I have become somewhat reflective of my time with the girls this summer. I am not sure that I have ever felt so under qualified and over matched as I have been this summer. Not that it has not been a blast, but I had hoped to really savor each moment, but spent most of the day just trying to survive and keep them from hurting themselves or each other. I had grand visions of reading time, craft time, library trips, and just overall smooth days, what I got was a messy house and a lot of trips to the pool. But each week there was at least one moment, a golden nugget of time that both girls were at peace and I was able to be in the moment, and we just had fun, either wrestling or just having them share my lap while we watched Barbie and whatever her latest adventure was, or another episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Overall I wouldn't trade it for the anything.

School starts a week from today. I am as ready as I can be. Everyone says that law school is a lot of work and pressure and I am sure it is, but I think I am putting more pressure on myself than anything else. Since I am starting so much later in life than most I feel I have a lot of ground to make up. I don't want to just go to law school, I want to do REALLY well at law school. I am not sure that I would work for a big firm, but I want to do well enough to have lots of choices when I graduate, and I know this first semester goes along way in sitting the pace. I will try to keep the blog somewhat updated during school, but no promises.


Unknown said...

I really think that you will enjoy law school. Find a balance. Let me know if there is anything I can do (oh, and I went back to work as an attorney!)

Anonymous said...

I know you will do well, I am glad that you got to spend so much time with the girls this summer. good luck with school.