Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tough Long Run

Well I ran 10 miles this morning. Hal Higdon gave me an "easy" week this week. 13 miles last week and 15 coming up next weekend. I never thought I would say 10 was an easy week. Whatever the case I ran early this morning and it was hot and humid and I was attacked by horse-flies the entire 10 miles. It went slow and my legs felt heavy but I covered the distance and that is what matters the most. I feel good about it, my eating has gone real well this week and I am glad to have the long run out of the way and hope to get in some swimming tomrrow and a sprint triathlon next weekend while we are in Chattanooga visiting Kim's parents. I have not biked or swam much since the last triathlon, but this one is shorter and I think it will be good change of pace, but I have to get in 12 miles before or after the tri on Sunday.

We are going out tonight to celebrate our 9th year of marriage, I think we are going to Ruth's Chris, I am hoping to eat healthy, but it will be the first time I have not gone there and gotten a steak and potato augratin and lots of bread and ... well anyway I am going to try and just get a piece of fish or chicken and a dry potato. I will let you know how it goes. I have got to get serious about this weight loss thing all week long, and stop taking the weekends off. I am able to maintain, but not lose with this pattern, so back to constent focus on the food, I can't run or swim or bike enough to eat the way I used to and not gain weight.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the anniversary!

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Conrats on 9 years of marriage. I just hit 10 on Aug 2.