Thursday, April 03, 2008

Here we go...AGAIN

Well the slow methodical gain of weight has to stop. I am up over 30 pounds from my lowest weight which was around this time last year. I have still lost over 100, but I have to stop this silly bleeding now. As I posted I started Weight Watchers and I really thought that would work,and I think it if i just wanted to maintain, it would, but I need to lose about 50 pounds, and I know how to do that, I have done it before with the HMR program and as most people tend to do, when in doubt go back to what is familiar. I have swallowed my pride and emailed my old weight loss class instructor and have committed to getting back in a week from today. With all the other things I have going on like, finishing my degree (done in Dec) college ministry, my job, being a dad of two small children, and most recently being appointed by the Gov. to the Quorum Court, I have not had a lot of time to concentrate on how I eat or even think about working out very much.

I weight tomorrow and Debbie and I start over on our race to lose 30 pounds, I hope to at least make it competitive, I am striving to find that contentment of being in the journey that I talked about at this time last year, but for some reason it has been hard to find. I hope to start riding my bike again on Sat mornings soon and running more, but in the meantime I just need to control my eating and know that I am doing all I can do to make sure that part of the formula is successful.

Up and downs, thanks for coming along


Greg Brooks said...

Thanks for lunch today. I'm impressed that you're going back to HMR.

Let's run together. How early do you get up in the mornings?

Anonymous said...

You're still my hero. Seriously
See you at Pepperdine

Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

Wonderful! Good luck starting over, it looks like you have a great support team!


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

It is a constant struggle Brad. I am up about 20 from my lowest as well. We know what to do but putting the plan in place doesn't always happen.

Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Every morning is a chance to start over, cuz...I had to start over again today, too...It's tough to stay motivated, but I know you can do it.
Dave Shumpert

Alysha said...

Good luck with the program, and congrats on taking the initiative to face head-on what you have to do and knowing what will work best!