Monday, June 25, 2007

Not Expecting Much This Week

It was a great weekend. We went to Chattanooga and played on the lake and I got to swim with Kiley and Robyn and Kim and we climbed cliffs and jumped in and had a blast. Stuff I would not have done 100 pounds ago. But on the negative side, I did not eat real well and did not get in my long runs or rides this weekend. I have a lot of catching up to do, but it was worth it.

On a more positive not I saw a couple of friends today who are amazed at my new physical apperance. They hit me and poked and prodded on proded on me, and in a very manly loving way let me know they were happy for my new found committment to fittness. And said, "I guess you are actually in pretty good shape" I know I have a long way to go, but on a day like today when I was down on myself for the way the weekend went, it was a good pick-me-up.

1 comment:

Debbie Cook said...

Brad - you have come so far. Don't be down on yourself. You have done learned more positive behaviors for your health in the last 9 months than a lot of people do in an entire lifetime. It is not about having a good week or a bad one, it is about knowing what to do to get back on track and stay the course. You are doing great!!!