Monday, March 13, 2006

6 Miles!!!

About all I can say about my 6 mile run Sunday is that I finished it. I think I thought a little more highly of myslef than I should of. I had never ventured outside Craighead Forest for a long run, but for some reason I thought my 6 mile long run was a good day to do it. So I plotted a 6 mile loop around the Forest, and it had more hills then any run up to this point, add to that it was the hottest day of the year so far, add to that I ran into a very brisk wind for most of the run, add to that, that I had no shade for a little bald head. Well you can see it was pretty much doomed from the start, but I finished it, I had to stop and walk some for the first time in a long time, but I finished all 6 miles and still on track to be able to finish the 1/2 marathon before they close the course. By the way I am a little on the sore side today. I realized I need a running hat, some sunglasses, and some sun block for my next adventure.

Eating was OK this weekend, I did eat way too much Pizza Friday night and Japanese on Saturday night, but not too much during the days. I hope to lose at least another 2 pounds this week, but at this rate 299 seems so far away. Anyway I can't complain, I am accomplishing everything I wanted to be doing, so if it takes a little more time then I thought, then so be it.

1 comment:

Greg Brooks said...

You are a beast. Let's try to run together some this week. Are you up for running 4 miles early one morning?